Park Farm History
3rd Generation Family-Owned Business
Some time ago in the early 1930's Arthur Coles was busy feeding and milking his herd of 10 cows just outside the village of Byfield, which lays in the Northamptonshire countryside.
Little did he know, not so long in the future, Arthur would be upping sticks and walking his cows and collie dog across 14 miles of terrain to a new home.
The destination was Bloxham, a small village in the heart of Oxfordshire where the legacy of the Coles Park herd would begin.
The Colespark herd has certainly stood the test of time as it is one of the only milking herds left out of the 15 that originally produced milk in Bloxham. Arthur would be overcome with joy if he knew that someday the Park Farm herd, he once nurtured would become 200 strong.
This same herd of pedigree Holstein cows are still owned and lovingly cared for today by the Coles family.

MilkyWheys was founded at the start 2020 during Covid-19, when demand for fresh milk plummeted, as the hospitality industry, a key sector for milk production, had to close its doors as the UK entered lock-down.
In light of this crisis, we decided that we must diversify in order to survive.
Our solution to this problem came in the form of MilkyWheys, a milk processing and fresh milk vending machine business.
As all good ideas start out, MilkyWheys was born during a conversation at the kitchen table about how the farm would remain operational throughout the pandemic, if demand for milk remained low.
After nearly 12 months in the making, we are happy to announce the completion of MilkyWheys and present to you a state-of-the-art milk processing plant and fresh milk vending machine all based on our site at Park Farm, Bloxham.
MilkyWheys’s promises 100% fresh milk every day. We are open 7am–7pm, 7 days a week.
We look forward to seeing you soon at the milk shed @ MilkyWheys