Meet the Team
We are a small team of dedicated farms with a wide range of skills and experience. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Youngest apprentice at Park Farm
Milk producer in the making. This cheeky little moo likes to get herself noticed, following you around and occasionally nibbling at your coattail.

Senior milk producer
Sandra is attentive, caring and enjoys walks to the milk parlor. She is one of our long standing members here at Park Farm and produces 35 liters of milk per day........that's a lot of tea!

Farm manager
It's rarely sheep this doggy is chasing. She loves sitting in the foot well of Ben's tractor making sure he is staying out of trouble and that quality remains high at Park Farm.

Owner and founder of MilkyWheys
Ben has been working at Park Farm along side his father his whole life. He quite literally eats, sleeps and breathes farming. He is the real life jolly farmer.